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What is Sugaring Hair  Removal Wax?


Hey, sugar! If you’re wondering what Sugaring is,

you’ve come to the right place.

It may sound like something a pastry chef would do, but Sugaring is actually an ancient hair removal technique that delivers instantly smooth, beautiful skin and can even decrease hair growth permanently over time. Sure, laser hair removal and basic salon waxes had their moment in the spotlight, but as those trends caught on, many people simply forgot about this awesome hair removal method.


Well, that’s all changing. Sugar wax is once again getting the attention it deserves, this time with its incredible all-natural, nourishing skin benefits. Say goodbye to unwanted hair and hello to the natural beauty of sugaring wax – where every session is a sweet delight for your skin.


Sugaring is a far more natural alternative to waxing and laser hair removal (great if you’re pregnant!) and is also ideal for those who are allergic to wax and chemical depilatory or hair removal creams.


What looks like molten toffee (close: it’s actually a special formulation of sugar, lemon and nourishing rose oil), Sugaring effortlessly pulls hair out at the root without ripping or tugging at your skin, unlike traditional wax. Not only that, the results last longer, and can reduce hair growth over time.


Plus, Sugaring exfoliates while removing hair — Sugaring removes the first layer of dead skin cells while removing the hair for sweetly smooth results, every time.


Conventional wax often contains chemical irritants like calcium hydroxide, potassium hydroxide and thioglycolic acid that aid in dissolving the root so the hair can lift a bit easier. But what’s that doing to your skin? Yikes. We shudder at the thought.


These harsh chemicals have no business on your body, plus they can be harmful when used for a long period of time.

Woman using Sugaring Wax
Shaving vs Sugaring Wax


Unlike waxing, Sugaring does not stick to the skin, but rather to the hair only, easily removing each and every one at the root making the process less painful than traditional waxing. 


Meanwhile, mean old wax adheres to your skin and causes a lot of unnecessary pain and potentially even skin damage. Think of all those times an overly aggressive waxing technician repeatedly ripped hair out of the same sensitive spot over and over again...leaving your skin raw, red and irritated.


Ouch! Yeah, no thanks.


Those days are over thanks to Sugaring. Sugaring binds to hair — and hair only. Our gentle, natural Sugaring formula fills and lubricates the hair follicle so you can extract hair from the root in one fell swoop. Easy peasy.


Will there be any pain, you ask? Let’s face it, you are removing hair at the end of the day. A little discomfort is to be expected. But the truth is, Sugaring hurts dramatically less than waxing, so those days of gripping the bed like Iron Man are a thing of the past.


After you’ve applied our gentle formula, you’ll use a flicking motion to whisk it off in the direction of the hair growth, rather than against it, unlike regular wax. (Read: Again, less pain!) We like to go with the flow.

Sugaring Wax on Skin
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